What does a photographer do during a pandemic? Well, what this photographer did was continue taking photographs—not with individuals but subjects that were around my home or in places where there was hardly a crowd around. 

I purchased a new camera and took the time I had on my hands to get to know the exceptional features and new settings. I photographed even more breathtaking images that I wasn’t aware I could do. I could even stop and literally smell the roses and watch the wings of birds flap slowly in the wind—took in so much of the actual beauty around me. Before, I was shooting in a quick and routine motion—where is the fun in that? 

Prior To the pandemic, I took so much for granted—not once did I see the wonderful things I’d come across because I was living in a fast-paced lifestyle. During an ordinary session, it was getting in, shoot, go, and edit. Never once did I define the outstanding images I created—yes, the talent is definitely there, but the passion was lacking because I felt the need to make haste with my work. 

Capturing the beauty in slow motion, opened my eyes to a deep and soulful kind of art. I seized the genuine beauty of nature right in my backyard. I located a hiding place where a family of ducks was taking refuge from the chaos that surrounded us. My children and I chased bubbles and set off colorful smoke bombs, which made it even more wonderful of being a photographer at that moment. So here I show off my most recent candid shots. Enjoy!